Tuesday, December 13, 2011

So this one is not mine, but this is a great, brief explanation of the various methods of posting via HttpWebRequest:


Great information if you need to send large amounts of data over a direct http connection (like I need to do).

Monday, November 28, 2011

Iterating all controls on an ASP.Net form

While trying to debug an asp.net viewstate error, I needed to iterate all of the controls on an ASP.Net page and display their name, level in the tree structure and order. I wrote the following recursive function to do so:

private void DebugWriteAllControls(Control startControl, int depth)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Depth: " + String.Format("{0:D3}", depth) + " Cntrl: " + startControl.ID);
if (startControl.Controls != null)
int ControlCount = startControl.Controls.Count;
for (int x = 0; x < ControlCount; x++)
DebugWriteAllControls(startControl.Controls[x], depth + 1);

The function can be called from any control and will iterate through all child controls while outputing their information to the output window in Visual Studio.